Thank you for making this possible!
This project is part of a unique partnership
with Javier's Confectionery and Preston's Candy & Ice Cream.
Together, they have sustained the oldest and most beloved chocolate and candy-making in The San Francisco Bay Area for over 75 years!
What's this all about?
This holiday season, College Guild is trying to spread JOY & RESPECT. We're doing that with a classic "pay it forward" campaign... with a little twist.
College Guild provides free education and a real one-on-one human connection to incarcerated men and women all over America.
We've touched thousands of lives throughout our history and given those men and women hope, respect, and a brighter future. We transform negative labels into positive futures by giving incarcerated people the option to become students instead of "convicts" or "criminals."
95% percent of prisoners will be released one day, and unfortunately, society doesn't have any presents waiting for them under their tree. Most will have fewer options for employment, housing, and a healthy, stable life than when they went in.
It is no wonder that in the US, nearly 44% of men and women who are released return to crime and are rearrested within the first year, 77% within five years.
But you can change that! Incarcerated people who participate in education programs like College Guild's have a 43% reduction in recidivism rates!
How? It's as easy as 1. 2. 3.
Please donate and help us provide free education to those who need it most.
Send delicious chocolate to a friend... or two... or... three!
Hug yourself! This year, you made the world a safer, more just, and happier place!
Just Click The Buttons Below To Get Started!